Download Series

The downloadSeries() method is used to download an entire SeriesInstanceUID from the NBIA Database.

One of the features provided by the nbiatoolkit is the ability to configure the folder structure of the downloaded files. This functionality is handled internally by the DICOMSorter class.

Configuration of the folder structure is done by passing a `filePattern` argument to the downloadSeries() method. The `filePattern` argument is a string constructed from tags in the DICOM header. Tags are enclosed in % characters. For example, the following `filePattern` string:

filePattern = '%PatientID/%StudyInstanceUID/%SeriesInstanceUID/%InstanceNumber.dcm'

will create a folder structure that looks like this:

├── StudyInstanceUID
│   └── SeriesInstanceUID
│       ├── 1.dcm
│       ├── 2.dcm
│       └── ...
├── StudyInstanceUID
│   └── SeriesInstanceUID
│       ├── 1.dcm
│       ├── 2.dcm
│       └── ...
└── ...

The `filePattern` string can be constructed from any DICOM tag. The following tags are good candidates for constructing a `filePattern` string:

  • PatientID

  • BodyPartExamined

  • Modality

  • StudyInstanceUID

  • SeriesInstanceUID

  • InstanceNumber

  • SOPInstanceUID

To download a SeriesInstanceUID from the NBIA Database, use the downloadSeries() method.

NBIAClient.downloadSeries(SeriesInstanceUID: str | list, downloadDir: str = './NBIA-Download', filePattern: str = '%PatientName/%Modality-%SeriesNumber-%SeriesInstanceUID/%InstanceNumber.dcm', overwrite: bool = False, nParallel: int = 1, Progressbar: bool = False) bool[source]
filePattern = '%PatientID/%StudyInstanceUID/%SeriesInstanceUID/%InstanceNumber.dcm'
downloadDir = './NBIA-Download'
nParallel = 5

with NBIAClient(return_type="dataframe") as client:
    series = client.getSeries(
